Well it's time for another Del Mar meet. This year promises to be full of anticipation as much as a little trepidation. With the continued decline of the Southern California racing industry, even the once insulated Del Mar meet, will make people wonder if they can deliver the deeply competitive fields of years past. Already reduced to a five day week, let's hope they wont have to go the "Hollywood Park route" of unimaginably not being able to fill mid week cards. I tend to think they will.......For now!
Rachel and Zenyatta.....what will their prospective summers consist of? Will Rachel return to her "Horse of the Year" form of 2009? Will Big Z win a third consecutive Clement Hirsch, on her way to a possible Breeders' Cup prep in the Zenyatta Stakes at Oak Tree. Culminating in a "showdown" with Rachel on a traditional surface at Churchill Downs come November. Although myself and about ninety percent of all race fans would love to see it, I wonder if we will. I tend to think Mr. Jackson may still be the main obstacle to that one. There's still too much for him to lose by running against Zenyatta. Right now, he has most fans convinced that he owned the best horse in training last year. In spite of avoiding, ducking, jiving...etc. The Super Bowl of racing because he didn't like the surface. Hey, come to think of it, why were the Indianapolis Colts forced to play in last year's Super Bowl. Didn't they know all they needed to do was go to the NFL and say they weren't showing up to play the Saints. After all they must have done more than enough to be awarded the Lombardi Trophy. Heck they won fourteen games during the regular season. Wasn't that enough for Pete's sake? Why would they be forced to play out doors, on natural grass when they play their games in doors, on synthetic? Surely the NFL dropped the ball on that one.
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